
About Briana

Briana Crockett is a Boston native. She started writing in a second grade classroom, and never stopped. Her writing was nurtured by her mother and English teachers. Even Briana’s earliest pieces were inspired by music she heard, books she read, and the culture she grew up in. Her work today has not only embraced these themes, it has infused into her words; becoming a home for the soul’s experience. Anyone who has one can find themselves in her poignant pieces. In academic settings, she sharpened her pen’s wit, expanded on her passion for music as a singer, and grew her love for her culture as she studied their past and hers. In 2020 Briana released The Growing Place and later on released an ebook of quarantine poems When the World Stopped//We Were Still Beautiful. Since then she’s gone on to compete in poetry slams around Boston, and perform in many poetry shows. Now she’s a regular at the Cantab in Cambridge since it’s reopening. Keep up with her events and special features on her events page and social media.