MIA Post

Hey y’all,

I hope everyone is doing well and having a good year. I know I’ve been missing in action, but I haven’t really. While I haven’t been tending to this site, (I know I’m sorry), I have been writing, performing, slamming and workshopping. So I’ve been active and writing in real life so I haven’t been up to the task of putting my work on here. I’m in book writing mode. So I haven’t been in the internet sharing mood yet. I don’t have a title for this book yet but I have most of the poems for it. So that’s exciting and a complete reverse from the way The Growing Place came together. So I’m welcoming it. Because so much has happened since TGP and I’ve been so many different things since TGP, but also some things have stayed the same. So I’m grateful my pen is continuously being pushed as are my writing dreams and skills.

I’ve performed in a slam for Button Poetry. Participated in the Northbeast Regional Slam that the Boston Poetry Slam organization put on. I’ve performed my poetry on GBH. I won a scholarship through the City of Boston to spend a week in Provincetown Cape Cod to workshop and write for the week with Oliver Baez Bendorf. It was incredible. I’ve been doing so much poetry wise that I’m proud of so I am only three quarters sorry I haven’t tended to the site like I should be. I’m out here writing and doing so sometimes the internet, more specifically this site, might not be the first place you’d go to know that. I apologize for those of you where this is your only communication with me and my poetry whereabouts. Just know you can likely find me where the poetry is on the scene.

Be blessed y’all! And check out the new tab that links to my published poetry performances! It will be updated as more videos come out. Thanks for your support always!


Out of My Mind,Just in Time-Erykah Badu