Don’t Panic by Coldplay


Hey Y’all!

Aren’t you lucky to be getting two post in one week…in one day really. You’re very welcome. Per my last post, I’ve been writing sis ✍🏾✍🏾 I’ve been jottin some things down. And I’m a fan of this new stuff. I felt a lotta pressure recently just being a poet and an artist in this politically emotionally charged time we’re in. With Covid, life, and unfortunately life in Amerikkka striking up responses in us that we’ve never had to deal with in this way, a lot of artists have used this time to release content and most of it is a commentary on what is going on. And while I love that work, think it’s very important, honor that work, I feel a pressure to release and to have a commentary on it as well (which personally I do). But I haven’t used my poetry to speak about a lot of systemic oppression in a blatant way because that’s not something that I want to eulogize. I don’t mind talking about these systemic issues and holding conversations on these things overall. They matter to me. But there has to be somewhere I can rest from that reality, from that pain, and I’ve tried to make my writing that place of rest. It doesn’t mean I don’t write those poems, they just don’t bring me any emotional comfort or rest. Because the list of names continue, the fight for justice is far from over, and to continue to go back to that mass grave of emotions just to not find rest or resolution there doesn’t benefit me. But I say all of that to say I did end up writing a couple of social justice pieces but also one that comments on how different the summer is for the world this year and different for Americans (because we can’t get our shit together) and because of our ill prepared improper response towards Covid. A lot of people are experiencing the summer inside, in the country, at home, locally, etc. It’s a painful grounding moment and a lot of people are experiencing life through a veil of technology, isolation, and heavy sanitation. It changes the way we enjoy ourselves and each other. So I wrote about that, inspired by one of my favorite songs by one of my favorite bands and seeing two people walking holding hands with gloves on. It made me emotional.

Sun roofs or...rooves? I’m not sure 

We love in a beautiful world...

Yeah we do, Yeah we do...


Hands hesitate these days 

To do what they were created to.

Who all gon be there?

Has never been more important than ever.

As in, who’s snap have you seen that’s never at home, with or without a mask, who’s been out here shakin ass without social distance?!

There are no kids choosing outside til the street lights call the time from the porch to come inside

There are no distractions, when the lake gulps down a companion

When I wait weeks to wear a glove to hold your hand.

And we see the tulips up close for the first time in weeks 

They wink at us, we blink back 

We take some steps back to save ourselves 

We slow down.

We live in a beautiful world...

Yeah we do, yeah we do...

thanks y’all,

stay safe.stay sane.


Dreaming of You-Selena


What’s Crackin by Najee Janey