Dreaming of You-Selena


Hey y’all I hope everything is well and y’all are staying safe in this crazy world. I have been a lil sad that after almost 26 years Boston Poetry Slam has to find a new home because the Cantab in Cambridge has closed and been sold. I’m really sad about that among other things but that was my place, that was my happiest place to be in Cambridge. Everyone who knows me knows how much I hate Cambridge. It’s not Boston. It’s Cambridge. And the Cantab was a place where I felt loved, accepted, and heard as it was for many people. I’m so sad to see it go. But we are in the midst of a huge transition so I’m trying to ride it out, understand it in real time, and adapt. It doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt to lose or say goodbye. I have a poem about that and I hope it finds you well in the midst of your many changes.

Getting Rid of My Childhood Bed...at 24

...it’s because I didn’t grow.

...it’s because it wasn’t more important than bills.

....it’s because I am just now starting to live in my body

....it’s because my body is just starting to shed him.

…..it’s because I’m learning I don’t have to keep it to have loved it.

....it’s because my father bought it.

....it’s because I just started going to read him poems. After all this time.

....it’s because it’s the last thing he built for me.

....it’s because mom n I put it back together overtime

....I think we’re afraid to lose him again. This time in our memories. 

....some days I am a pack rat. Swearing every wrapper is worth the story 

and every tattered thing must be tattooed. Everything deserves the memory.

....even a bed that doesn’t fit me anymore.

....even a dad that didn’t teach me to tie my shoes.

....even a bad day. 

....even a short life

.....to go with an even shorter song n skirt.

.....like I said.


....everything deserves the memory.

.....even the dreams that lie in beds that are too small. To hold onto.

.....even the bed of dreams my father splintered For. 

....it all served me at some point. 

thanks y’all


Take the Box by Amy Winehouse


Don’t Panic by Coldplay