Last Time by GIVĒON & Snoh Aalegra


Happy New Years, Happy 2021! I’m so grateful to be here, writing, healthy, and prosperous against all odds. Some things I can only thank God for.

But I know….y’all are saying “long time no see sis” but hey! don’t look at me like that. It’s a pandemic, there was an insurrection on the United States capitol like it was nothing, there were holidays, and other days, and point is: I’m grateful to be here with you now. Yes consistency is key, but having my art come from an honest place and not a place of obligation is where my peace of mind resides. So that’s really that. I’m still not writing a lot (shocker 🙄 new year same writers block) but I wrote something I like enough to share. I also have been trying to find new artists and sounds to indulge in. I found Giveon and my life’s quality has improved in all honesty. I needed a handsome 6 ft something baritone to sing to me about how he needs love and knows how to give it. And it just was everything I needed lol. So I wrote about being that woman.

The Art in Falling 

I pour something to feel something.

Anything like you described my skin when you touched me. 

You drew me that day. 

Outlined on paper, shaded and contoured, depth in perception, you perceived me right. You picked me ripe, sketching: my mind the sheets, your pencil always in your hands, 

Mapping me. 

Sloping n tinglin your fingertipstheybringmeto/ ask where thevalleys are n where you find an alley in me you paint it sweet. 

You make it a walkway with lighting; something non threatening, your handheld lightly, trailing along my edges like afinishing. touch. 

You definitively touch. Me: The artist. 

But also me: The one I decided on yesterday. 

It’s not the same me you knew. 

I haven’t felt like that me in a while. 

I haven’t felt crossed paths with her and smiled, I don’t know where she is. 

Tucked in the back of a closet of clothes I haven’t given away, 

In a box of cards I keep to prove I’m loved 

When you don’t love me, anymore. 

I try to wrap my arms around three times, bunny ears and all.

Trying to be safe, Wrapped in a bow 

Trying to heed the healing 

Trying to be bow & present, still 

In your presence.

Is it still a gift? 

Am I still the right time 

Do you still wish to be the right man

Or do you know the the truth about time yet? That it’s never ending n we’ll never be at the end or the beginning. Just right now even if it’s not the right time. And we’ll still waste it anyways. 

In another life when you touch my edges again 

Your hands remembers them 

Maybe I’m a bee and you’re a sunflower’s face 

Maybe I come back as the sun and you a ray, or just the cloud I hide behind on days I don’t wanna shine. 

Or if you be the wind, I’ll shimmy my leaves 

Or if you be the tempest, I’ll be shipwrecked

But baby if you be love, then I’ll be fertile heart 

Soft handed and soft willed against your body 

There’s not much I won’t be these days for memories sake. 

All for the sake of falling. 

All for the sake of falling. 

thank you and take care


The Gap Band-Yearning for your Love


Find Your Way Back by Beyoncé