Grace by WizKid

Hey y’all,

can you believe we’re at the end of the year already? I’ve enjoyed my year I can’t complain. I’m so thankful and grateful for life and the chance to live it abundantly. I’m trying to heal from people who meant my heart and mind harm. I’m trying to rely more on God’s direction and strength than my own. I still fail sometimes. But I’m so grateful to be growing and changing and learning. I gotta go harder for myself and what I want. I’m still learning what that is. I pray God helps and directs you on your journeys in life. I pray you trust Him to guide you into the next year and beyond.

i haven’t written much this year but this is a free write that I wrote for a friend’s gallery. I hope it blesses you. Thank you for following and supporting me and my crafts. I’m always humbled by your understanding and patience with me. The best wishes to you n yours.

Communion—Come to Feast

I commune with every part of me,

The head of the table—prays,

The community’s hands, hold each

Other tenderly, to Tend to family: 

Running together like

That blood, that ain’t always as thick as

what we share. 

A mind home grown, a meal smells like somewhere I know, music pours up a drink of soul, a feast of ideas topple over with every voice added to the chorus, full of eccentricities and gluttony, 

Hungry to tear into the edges of a revolution 

All the parts of me, come here to breathe:

My mother’s eyes, my father’s name, 

My brother’s habits, my sister’s gossip, the slippery words my nephew restlessly chews over, My nana’s mother tongue, split into generations to sow seed,

Hidden alchemies. Sauces with no name.

No measurements. Of love, Of spices slapped off hands,

Wiped on apron, smudged on skin, caught in teeth.

Left on cheeks from teacup kisses,

Of spoons dipping

In and out, of pans brimmed with syrup and smiles, of pots hollowed out only to be filled with a story,

Bonding beyond time and space.

We break the bread between mirrors and mirages and eat.

And we eat well. Until the shelves within ourselves, are full. 

Thank y’all happy holidays 💗


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